Certain individuals ― it doesn't matter what part of the political spectrum they are on ― seem to have a pattern of thought that is obsessively binary, and sadly, it's not just a left-wing problem either at this point. This example is just the latest in a series of cases in which willful ignorance of nuances and wrongful dismissal of valid reasons as excuses reigns supreme. Yes, I'm talking about someone from Virginia who has the nerve to use the very same "anyone who disagrees with me on X is Y" logic that the left uses by pushing the "anyone who disagrees with him on living at home is a loser" and "anyone who disagrees with him on living at home is a grown child" false dichotomies. There are at least 3 legitimate reasons THAT ARE NOT EXCUSES why these dichotomies are false and if you say that they are excuses anyway then you prove yourself an idiot.
The first reason does seem like a California-specific one but it can apply to other places that receive all of their revenue this way, and that's property taxes being used for nefarious purposes, something I touched a little bit on in this video a minute or two in. See, California's sales taxes are all local, as crazy as that may seem. State income tax accounts for maybe 10% of Sacramento's income. The other 90%? Property tax. So how do you boycott property tax? By not buying a home and not renting from landlords who use the rent that you pay them to pay property taxes until Sacramento changes for the better. I was hoping Travis Allen would make it; John Cox does have many flaws, but he got in anyway, so we have to make do with what's available at this point. Boycotting California property taxes is the only way to make the message clear enough to Sacramento that they WILL NOT use our property tax money to harbor criminals with a known history of committing crimes against property, and also, lest we forget, that they will NOT use taxes on private property to indoctrinate students into believing in abolishing the very private property that they are taxing, something that Sacramento is definitely doing given how many taxpayer-funded state university professors are open Communists.
Another reason is the obvious: SJW employers who simply hate conservatives, a phenomenon that in California, where I am, is particularly rampant. Marxists in groups like Antifa openly state that their reason for doxxing people is so that they can get them fired from jobs, and they have a habit of threatening employers with riots if they hire people like myself who have been interviewed by the media in contravention of their requests. Not only does this problem of SJW employers and Antifa, which really is a case of two sides of the same coin, have the effect of making gullible employers fire people for political reasons but it also prevents hiring by any employer that is not either a church or a gun store.
So, in order to debunk all of the "fascist" lies that Antifa uses as false premises to get people fired and keep them from getting hired I will make what I am in this blog post very clear: I am a millennial Ted Cruz. I am a proud Bible-thumping Christian theocratic dominionist who rightly sees mass immigration as a direct catalyst for the oversecularization of our culture. Using a combination of open borders and welfare to encourage illegal aliens knowing that they are used to voting for big government back home to immigrate en masse is how the left is trying to continue their stranglehold on Hollywood, academia, and the media, and also how they are trying to amass as much political power as they can, in order to attempt to sustain the immigration-welfare-degeneracy feedback loop.
They are then using those venues that they secure through mass immigration to push things like abortion, the false dichotomy that refusal to do business with LGBT must somehow be the same as hating them when in reality they can just find someone else to do business with (thankfully the SCOTUS struck this down), and other ideas that in turn represent a direct threat to Christianity. Again, without mass immigration the left would not be able to do this much damage to the Christian foundation of our society (according to Patrick Henry, "for this reason alone, members of other faiths have been afforded freedom of worship here") that it has, because mass immigration is how they keep bringing in the votes that they need to push this degeneracy. Oh, and lest we forget, there's also the problem of Quran 9:29 ― Islam is also a direct threat to Christianity because all the anti-Christian violence in the Middle East is incited by the Quran itself in that very verse. The left in Europe is aiding and abetting Islamic persecution of Christians by importing Muslims knowing that the Quran incites this very anti-Christian hatred.
The third and final reason THAT IS NOT AN EXCUSE, again, is that home loans are slavery and rent is slavery. My parents learned this the hard way when, back in 2008 when I was 15, they lost their old house in Lake Forest. Why? Because the banksters, controlled by the Fed, doubled the mortgage rates on millions of families, including my own, without warning. They could afford to pay the previous $3000 per month on mortgage with no problems, but $6000 per month? Yes, that's how bad it was. Mortgages and rents are cancer. They enslave you to the banksters, they enslave you to the Fed, and they enslave you to landlords. And don't get me wrong, some landlords are good people, but like the Fed and like they banksters they can and often do raise the rent on a whim, once again causing problems.
Until Sacramento is taken over by people who promise to use property tax dollars the right way I am not moving out. Until employers other than gun stores and churches (the latter I am an employee of, by the way) stop giving into Antifa's demands I am not moving out. Until I can afford to put 100% down on a house I am not moving out. THIS DOES NOT MAKE ME A GROWN CHILD AND IT DOES NOT MAKE ME A LOSER. It makes me a wise decision-maker who knows a lot more about the problems facing California than you do if you call me those things.